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Dyuthi Nair


Dyuthi Nair
Last Active


  • OK, thank you so much! I thought there were additional ones at YouUniverse available to members.....I bought one (chakras one) anyway. I've received the email :) thanks! Dyuthi
  • Hi, The link asks me to buy this meditation and takes me to a payment page even though I am logged in and a member. I am only able to download a 1 min version of it. Do others have this problem? How can we access the meditations that are available t…
  • This is an interesting question. If emotions are based on thoughts and beliefs, and negative emotions usually relate to negative thoughts and beliefs - which we're better off reprogramming, then how can we trust our negative emotions as a reliable r…
  • Thank so you much Shiela. Because I am not able to find a 'DM' function here. I wanted to ask, can I send you some of my worksheets to check if I have done them correctly?
  • What is the best mediation to do for the morning, and which one for the evening? There are 4... I am mainly doing the changing the course of events one daily... and at times, the one to change frequencies...  which one is best for morning and which …
  • Yes, I understand, and I'll reframe my behaviour based on this. That was helpful advise!Yes still every now and then, a little bit of involuntary negativity does pop in during mediations... but I hope it goes away over time, as I do other exercises.…
  • Yes, this was exactly my question... what is a list of tasks.. with recommended times... To apply various tools....
  • Hi, Thanks for your response :) I'll answer in reverse, because i find that easier. 1. I am almost 32 years old2. Well, I am trying the exercise of visualising (of course, following all the tools given) - in detail a happy life with this person. In …